So, my housing has come through, and it ended up being here, rather than here, which if this is true, is probably a good thing.
Now, if my license would just come through, that would really be a good thing!
I still haven't bought a plane ticket, but driving I-90 cross country to Seattle continues to look like a bad idea.
More stuff to do in Seattle;
Writers read their work, live. Plus, you get to hear live music, and it's cheap!
The architect for this gate did extensive historical research on traditional designs, including reading a Chinese code book on construction published in 1109 AD.
I'm not normally a big ice cream fan, but this locally-made stuff is supposed to be amazing.
"Paste" magazine claims Seattle's indie music scene hasn't jumped the shark yet, recommends some bands and venues. However, it sounds like Seattle = Manhattan (gentrification, high rents, dying scene, artists replaced by real estate speculators), except you have to go all the way to Portland for the equivalent of Brooklyn, which is, or was, the new Lower East Side.
I suppose it's better than going all the way to Berlin, which, apparently,
is the new Brooklyn, now that only the trustafarians can afford Brooklyn.
However, given that this video was posted less than six months ago, perhaps, to paraphrase Mark Twain, reports of Seattle's demise are greatly exaggerated.