(Picture of sleeping guy at Seattle festival by me. For more, see here.)
Give My Stimulus Check to the Rich
Bush has favored the wealthy throughout his administration; why stop now?
Watch Out For C. Diff
"The number of people hospitalized with a dangerous intestinal superbug has been growing by more than 10,000 cases a year, according to a new study...the spores are difficult to kill with most conventional household cleaners or antibacterial soap [or Purell!]..."The nature of this infection is changing. It's more severe," said Dr. L. Clifford McDonald, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention expert...the study concluded that 2.3 percent of the cases in 2004 were fatal — about 5,500 deaths. That was nearly double the percentage of C-diff-related cases that ended in death in 2000..."
I Heart Richie Blumenthal
Hartford (AP) _ Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal is suing the nation's largest pharmaceutical distributor on allegations it illegally inflated wholesale drug costs.
Blumenthal says the scheme by San Francisco-based McKesson Corp. resulted in Connecticut consumers and state-funded health care programs paying millions of dollars more than they should have for many brand-name drugs, including Lipitor and Prevacid.
The lawsuit filed Wednesday in Massachusetts federal court accuses McKesson of violating federal racketeering and state consumer protection laws.
Maybe This Explains Those Crappy H$R Phones
Trial Begins in Siemens Bribes-for-Biz Scandal
"...Europe’s largest engineering company, Siemens, which is embroiled in what could be the largest corporate bribes-for-business case ever..."
Cranio-Rectal Syndrome
Who do you think are the most cynical people in the world? Cops? Executioners? Or maybe prostitutes? Clowns?
We're thinking it's doctors. If you want proof, check out some of the horrifying-yet-hilarious slang they use around the office. Yes, these are real.
How to Make a Schadenfreude Pie
My word, what is this dark and vaguely sinister-looking pie you see before you?
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